Friday, February 25, 2011

personal: Jet Setting: San Francisco

The travel bug has bit yet again. This was our first flight together, so we decided to stay local, given the days we had off. San Francisco was a perfect, much-needed weekend getaway for us.
I didn't carry my gear with me much because the weather was icky! Rained all day on Friday and Saturday.. didn't think it was worth wetting camera gear that's worth more than my life. So, here are just a few pictures from our trip but I have to say they summed it up quite well with an exception of all the amazing food we consumed.....knock yourselves out.

Canny took some of these pics too..he's getting reallyyy good...almost as good as me ;)


Thursday, February 17, 2011

personal: hsi lai temple

Having just one supportive person in your life can make the world of difference.. well lucky me, I have two. My mom has always given me the strength and courage to believe that I can do any and everything I set my heart out to do. Not once did she give up on me nor tell me I could not do it and now, along came Canny. Since the moment he knew about my love for photography, he has been my biggest fan and has pushed me (in a good way) to reach and jump for the stars. I could not be where I am today without both of their love and support. I love you babe!

Here are my photos from Hsi Lai Temple:

Not only has Canny been my backbone thus far, but in the process, he's joined my photography club! I am so lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend and best friend. He will soon be my second shooter. I say this very confidently because Canny has had a passion for photography (with a point n shoot) long before he met me, so picking up a dslr for the first time was natural for him. See for yourself!

Here are pics from Canny and his new toy:

What a beautiful temple Hsi Lai is. Ya'll be the judge.



Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Baby: Robert Dae-Yoon Kim @ 3 weeks

I truly believe the best gift anyone could ever ask for is...a little heart beat. A little human being. A child. The closest I've gotten is the day I became a mommy to my dog, Maddy. For all you who know me, know how much my little pupcake means to me...I cannot begin to imagine how I'd be with a little human. anyway..more importantly....

Check out this photo session with Baby Rob and his parents Daphne and Big Rob. This couple is so special to me because they were my first clients to ever believe in me and my photography biz. Believe it or not, this too is my very first newborn session! I have to admit, it is not as easy as you think it would be..we associate newborns with sleep and eat right? Right, but no, they cry too..something our hearts (+ears) can't take. Baby Rob had his moments, he was really good most of the time but did get a little fussy towards the end of our two hour time together. I understand. I'd be fussy if someone kept moving me around, hugging and kissing me while I was trying to sleep too.

During our session, I found out that they'll be moving to TEXAS for a year so that Big Rob can jump start his career as a dentist. (Congratulations Dr. Kim!) Luckily they have plans of coming back to California..they've not only become my clients, but indeed, my friends. Congratulations again Daph and Rob on your little pride and joy! He is precious. I cannot wait to watch him grow....

Thank you so much for allowing me to document Baby Rob's first three weeks of life! What a beautiful family...



Thursday, February 10, 2011

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Baby: Lucas Minsu Kang @ 8 months

I don't know of anyone else in the world who adores babies as much as I do. Although I do not have any of my own yet and probably have no idea what hard work being a parent is, I feel like I love them so much I could raise an entire baseball team!! (Go ahead parents, roll your eyes!) Now, when the time comes and I have my own kids I know I will no longer be saying this but for now, I think I'm superwoman and can handle any and I'm taking suggestions for team names and mascot. heh just kidding.

I had the pleasure of documenting my good friend Lauren's pregnancy back in May. Lucas Minsu Kang was born on June 5, 2010 and just celebrated his 8 months this past Saturday! My how time flies! He learned how to crawl two weeks ago and is already wearing mommy out as she's been busy chasing him around all over the place. All he wants to do is "go"..what a little jet-setter! He is the cutest little boy ever and has the best little personality! I can tell he will be very social and quite the popular one when he grows up. This little one had a blast playing with Maddy, my 4 pound pup, and it absolutely amazed me that he was not afraid AT ALL. Granted, she is all of 4 pounds, but hey most infants would be afraid of a little "thing" running around especially when the thing gives 'em extra wet kissies....

Thanks Lauren, I had a blast documenting little Lucas at 8 months. Now can you please submit him as the first asian Gerber baby!?! Your little guy truly is a gem

Here are a few pictures from our impromptu shoot...enjoy!


Look at those eyes! Here, he is a spitting image of (and I mean SPITTING image)  his mommy, auntie, AND grandma! 

Look at the way he is sitting up..he looks like a big kid! And of course how adorable are the little wrist rolls??? L.O.V.E.

Lucas, the explorer.

He could not take his eyes off of Maddy.

He kept wanting to play with Maddy's toys and Maddy kept wanting to play with his toys. This session made me realize how much it means to me that my kids are raised around pups. Hopefully Maddy :)

Popped collar and errthing!! Don't you just want to shower him with kisses? He's so cute even Maddy couldn't contain herself!

I love little feet. They're a 'must capture' for me. 

new toys

I wanted to share with you all my new palette of toys purchased at Samy's Camera...

I purchased the Nikon d700 body (a full frame dslr) so that I can go back and forth without switching lens as often (very useful when shooting a wedding)

I purchased the 70-200mm f/2.8 VRII. This will allow me to shoot from quite a distance away and still get close enough, especially important during the ceremony.

I purchased the 105mm maco lens so that I can capture the detail shots such as the wedding rings, jewelry,  shoes, etc.

Last but certainly not least, I purchased the 50mm f/1.4 (a prime lens) as it is great for low light situations.

Friday, February 4, 2011

born day

As you all might know, I've taken a week off from work due to an ovarian cystectomy procedure that I had done last week. The much-needed time off has allowed me to redo my photography website and blog! I'm so lucky to have all the love and support of my beautiful mother, boyfriend, family, and friends..I couldn't have done it without them. I am now this much closer to following my dream of becoming a wedding photographer! I am so excited to share this with all of you. Please let me know your some love!