Thursday, February 17, 2011

personal: hsi lai temple

Having just one supportive person in your life can make the world of difference.. well lucky me, I have two. My mom has always given me the strength and courage to believe that I can do any and everything I set my heart out to do. Not once did she give up on me nor tell me I could not do it and now, along came Canny. Since the moment he knew about my love for photography, he has been my biggest fan and has pushed me (in a good way) to reach and jump for the stars. I could not be where I am today without both of their love and support. I love you babe!

Here are my photos from Hsi Lai Temple:

Not only has Canny been my backbone thus far, but in the process, he's joined my photography club! I am so lucky to have such an amazing boyfriend and best friend. He will soon be my second shooter. I say this very confidently because Canny has had a passion for photography (with a point n shoot) long before he met me, so picking up a dslr for the first time was natural for him. See for yourself!

Here are pics from Canny and his new toy:

What a beautiful temple Hsi Lai is. Ya'll be the judge.



1 comment:

  1. Thanks for your beautiful photos.
    I would like to publish some of them on a religious free magazine.
    Is it ok with you Helen?
