Sunday, April 17, 2011

personal: tacos y sombreros

Today marks a very special day for Canny and I as we celebrate our 6 months together!! (feels much much longer--in a good way of course!) As we laid in bed this morning, he sings me a song and it went a little something like this:
"H is for the Happiness you bring to my life..E is for Everyday we spend together...L is for the Love we have for one another...E is for for Ever..N is for ummmmmmm I don't know what starts with N. This is my first draft, the final to come later...." -___- Laugh.out.loud.

The Weather Gods have been so nice to us Californians these past few days that we decided to take advantage of the amazingness and spent the day in Laguna Beach. We had brunch at Las Brisas, a mexican restaurant overlooking the beautiful Pacific Ocean. For those who have never been, I highly suggest checking out their Sunday Brunch as the food is status with a breathtaking view! You just cannot go wrong. After all the deliciousness, we made our way down to the water for some fun and an impromptu photoshoot ;)

Going to Las Brisas really was the perfect goes hand in hand with the 5-night Cabo San Lucas trip he booked for us at the end of June; We're staying at the all-inclusive Riu Santa Fe Resort..I stayed at the Riu Montego Bay last year and swore I'd visit another Riu, so I'm really looking forward to our stay in Cabo!!!! I am already daydreaming of waves crashing, relaxation, margaritas on the rocks, Sagrias, and tequila shots. Yes, please and gracias! This is the sweetest gift ever. This also means it's time to hit the gym for real so I'm beachybody ready in 2.5 months..oh lordy.

This post is dedicated to my Honeybunz. Everyday that goes by makes me realize just how undeserving I am to have such a wonderful, giving, and patient man in my life. Thank you for being everything I strive to be..and more. Here's to another 80 years together. Te amo, mi amor!


Las Brisas, Laguna Beach
Breath-taking view from our table

Fruit Plate

Pan Dulce y Champagne
corn clam chowder
ensalada with oranges and herb vinaigrette
desayuno ranchero
Sand Dabs Puerto Nuevo 

Chocolate Pistaccio cake

Laguna Beach Coastline

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Rocks never cease to amaze me.
the color purple
mi corazon
all smiles

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