Tuesday, June 7, 2011

dohl: happy 1st birthday lucas!

My goodness how quickly kids grow! It feels like it was just yesterday I was taking pictures of Lauren's tummy...then Lucas at 3 months..again at 8...and now he's already a year old? This was definitely the best 1st birthday party I've ever been to.  This party was hotter than any of my parties ever were combined! hahaha. His mama went above and beyond, reserving part of the SLS hotel (the garden terrace) inviting vendors: face painting, balloon characters, live jazz band, dj spinnin on the ones and twos, open bar (adults--duh), candy bar (kids), photobooth...you name it! Did I mention how delish the food was too? yummay.

Sticking to his Korean roots, there was a traditional celebration called the "dohl". Essentially, he sits on the floor and gets to choose his own future. For example, there will be items such as a calculator, a book, a pen, a ball, each signifying different things. A book represents a scholar, a pen represents a writer etc. Lucas was the center of attention and loved every ounce of it! He had guests fly in from Singapore, France, Korea, Seattle, etc. etc...Lucas, you are loved.

Lauren, thank you for the invite and for hosting such a great party! Can't wait for the big 2! How do you top this? It only gets better from here right.........



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